We left the Honeyport Resort in Xai Xai at about 9 am – shortly thereafter the unavoidable happened and Lipstick was stopped by 2 local policemen for allegedly doing 140 in a 60 km zone.
Andre and Willy politely negotiated with the 2 organs of state and were very apologetic about the transgression of the local traffic law. After a while of ongoing discussions the fine of 1000 Meticais was exchanged into a gift from Lipstick to the law enforcement guys and they were indeed very happy to being now in possession of a winding torch and a new ball point pen.
All Elao team members stopped at Maxixi for Sunday lunch consisting of unrecognisable peri peri chicken and Andre is still not sure whether he tasted some form of African rabbit. The waiter by the name of Julius however assured all members that these are the best chicken by far – and he should know this because he studied agriculture in Leipzig Germany.
After filling up old Lipstick with Diesel we left the main road and continued down a bad sandy road for about 15 km to arrive at Morongulo which consists of a beautifull campingsite and chalets right on the beach for about R 175,– per person per night.
Unfortunately again there was no cell phone reception – but all are in great spirit and Doug our biker was chosen as the Dick of the Day as he is the slowest person on the road and the last to leave each day.