We left at 8.45 am on the long road to Beira . The so far nicely built road soon became somehow narrower after Inhassora and more and more potholes were part of our trip for the next 200km when we reached Inchope where we turned off to Beira.
This road obviously connects Zimbabwe to Mocambique’s big harbour town and the name of the game was now to overtake big 16wheeler trucks whilst at the same time making sure that Lipstick does not disappear in one of those mega sized potholes.
Despite the most carefull driving however Andre was again stopped by 2 of these initially very unfriendly police staff members in their white shirts , blue ties and official police hats. As we know by now that staff members of the Mocambiquan police force seem to have no access to wind up torches and ball point pens – we again parted with another set of these most usefull promotional items. Again we achieved 4 smiling faces 2 of them dark and two of them white . A win win situation was again achieved.
We arrived in Beira at 15.00h and filled up Lipstick with 145 l of Diesel which is a new record so far . Thereafter we used the wonderfull Garmin instrument to find a Camp Site right on the beach – which consists mainly of a restaurant and simply cannot want for more. 100 sqm of sandy little grassed grounds – but for R 20 per person per night one simply cannot want for more.
Mark and Rene – team Bulldog – arrived 3 hours after the Recci Team Lipstick despite the fact that they are also in possession of wind up torches….

Should we be sending you a parcel of wind up torches and ball point pens because I have a feeling you will be needing many more 🙂 Please keep the news and pictures coming, they are most entertaining!!
LIPSTICK try and stay out of trouble PLEASE! You still have a looong way to go!
I hope BULLDOG is behaving itself!
Sounds awesome guys!!! Take loads of pics and keep the stories coming in..travel safe!
We hope that you dont continue to make friendships with every policeman on your trip. Keep up your torches for a wonderful evening on a special place. We are really curious to read the next support of your odyssey. It’s like a Tatort, but much more curious 🙂
Cannot believe the location you found and the crayfish look too good to be true. Amazing how something as simple as a pen and torch can get you out of trouble…Well Planned Team Lipstick. Cheers and regards. Howsit to Team Bulldog from everyone back home!!
Wow, envious of your adventure thus far. Following the anecdotes with wound-up interest. Marcus trejentindo unda schorjos emerges (apologies to LM Radio).
Jeepes that crayfish is enormous! and what a campsite, right on the beach…wonderful! miss you mom & dad, hope you have loads of fun!