Day 3 – Baadplas – Xai-Xai -583 km (Team Lipstick)
We left campside at 7am and drove through beautifull forest areas towards Malelane. The landscape was indeed comparable to what we most probably will see in Freudenstadt – Huge Pine Forests- and winding roads through valleys and mountains.
We passed Barberton at again very cold temperatures of 0 degrees and Andre, Rene and Mark tried to blame their somehow massive headache on the terrible cold weather conditions -obviously suffering memory loss of the liquid food poisoning they subjected themselvesto the night before.
In Malelane we stopped in order to replenish supply of mainly liquid refreshments as the previous night put a big dent into the existing stock.
We then proceeded towards Komatipoort which forms the border between South Africa and Mozambique.
Andre and Willy managed to get through both South African and Mozambqiquan Border authorities within 30 minutes by merely joking with all around – whereas the rest of the team took somehow longer.
From there it was easy sailing down to Maputo and along the N1 to Xai Xai where we set up camp in the Honey POT caravan and Camping park.
Shortly before arriving there we stopped at “Sun City“ a road pub set up by a local citicen with the obvious intention to market his beverages to the many South African visitors by blasting Boere Music over huge loudspeakers. Dela Ray, Dela Rey komm maak die boere vry………