First stop this morning at a petrol station and making sure that Lipstick’s tank and canisters
Are filled to capacity – the boys can just imagine what could happen if they would run out of petrol with the next station 100-200km away.
There a a few restaurants along this part of the Alaskan highway but very small indeed and not well frequented. The boys stopped some 3 hours into their drive at the Pine Lodge which is run by a couple from France. These restaurants are only open between May and end of September as tourists hardly attempt to come to this part of the world when it will be freezing cold and totally snowed under.

After a good cup of coffee and a butternut soup they were hitting the highway again and following the winding route among higher and higher mountains which soon appeared to be snow covered on their tops and the outside temperature dropping to 8 degrees C
Soon the Canada Border control was reached and Andre wanted to go to the office to enquire about exit procedures only to be told that in North America you don’t need to show anything when leaving a country – so passport control is only done when entering a country.
Thank you very much and for the next 24km the boys seemed to travel in no man’s land until the USA border post appeared on the horizon.
A very friendly border official was chatting to the boys about their trip, checking the passport – no papers for the car required (Hello New York! )and within 10 minutes Team Lipstick found itself in the 49th state of the USA – ALASKA!
The first town they hit was TOK and the plan was to overnight there but on arrival the team realised that this so-called town consisted of maybe 15 buildings with some old Wild West look alike motels and on top of it was raining and as they were now in another time zone it was only 1.15pm and not 2.15pm as per their watches.
After pumping the Lipstick full with another load of Diesel they therefor decided to bite the bullet and go for another 504km to reach Anchorage this very same day.
Similar scenery down to Anchorage but some 70 km before hitting this City the road became very narrow with lots of high mountains on either side all topped with snow and Glaciers hanging like big tongues from the top to the river valleys – quiet a sight.
Shortly before sunset the boys hit Anchorage a town most probably being the furthest away from East London which one could get to!