23rd and 24th July
After breakfast the teams drove back to Cairo to a hotel in close proximity to the airport.

All arrived just in time to watch the Rugby game between the Springboks and Australia… Much to the disappointment of all concerned – South Africa lost by a big margin against a strong Aussie team…

Luckily David introduced the teams to Justin.tv – a programme which live streams almost any sport event worldwide onto smart phones Laptops or desktops. The quality of both Audio and Video is amazing and the guys happy to know about this great link.

David had to leave this afternoon for his return flight to Dubai – the team members thoroughly enjoyed his company and are thankful for the car which he organised to drive them around – whilst their own vehicles are in transit through to Italy….

Shortly thereafter a surprise sms – the bikers and their support vehicle have landed in Cairo and would like to meet the car teams for a final get together on the continent of Africa…

Time was set for 7.30pm and until then the guys went through the adjacent shopping complex which is said to be the biggest one in the middle east…

Eagerly awaiting the bikers the car members organised an Egyptian braai next to the hotel’s pool. Around 8pm they were advised by sms that the bikers are stuck in traffic with their taxi – they eventually arrived shortly before 9pm after a 2hour journey which normally takes about 15 to 20 minutes.

So beware – Cairo traffic on a Sunday evening is not for Sissies.

Needless to say that a good time was had by all – memories and stories were shared about the trip and whilst the car members will make it through to Germany as planned – the bikers will ship all their vehicles back from Egypt, Charles and Mike will fly home directly from Cairo , Doug will go to England

Rudi and Adri from Ladybrand will also go home directly whereas Cheryl and Ian as well as Roger and Jo Anne will tour southern Italy before turning home to South Africa.

All hope to get together some times in the future when back in SA – final handshakes, hugs and group pictures were taken before the final good bye.

Early Sunday morning teams Lipstick ,Icevan and Bulldog made it to the airport to board the flight to Rome – 9.42 am the plane lifted off the continent which they crossed from south to north in close to 50 days …. The memories will stay forever … and like the traffic in Cairo….Africa is not for Sissies..

Europe lies ahead – most of the members have never been to Italy, Austria or Germany never mind Europe as a whole.

The trip will continue from Rome and hopefully all will be reunited with their cars in Venice…………… time will tell..

David from Dubai who flew to Cairo, organised this spacy car and fetched the team members from Alexandria – after their cars were shipped


David made sure that regular stops on the well maintained highway between Alexandria and Cairo were obeyed … to shake the bones and refill refreshments….
David made sure that regular stops on the well maintained highway between Alexandria and Cairo were obeyed … to shake the bones and refill refreshments….


In Alexandria he waited patiently with the other team members outside the harbour – whilst Willy,Paul and Mark- spend some 4 hours with custom and police procedures……
In Alexandria he waited patiently with the other team members outside the harbour – whilst Willy,Paul and Mark- spend some 4 hours with custom and police procedures……
Day 52 – 53 – Cairo to Giza – Team Lipstick