In the morning we said good bye to team Halfway and team Ivory who would go to Zansibar for 2 days and thereafter head down South back to Souith Africa.

It was a great pleasure travelling with them and celebrating Mike’s 74th birthday in the bush. Noel was also great to be with – her presence made sure that the guys refrained from using foul language when things went wrong. We wish them a safe trip back home.

Lipstick, Icevan and bulldog then headed north towards the Tanzanian – Kenian border via Bagamoyo , Mkata and Tanga . From Tanga we again were faced with a 60km stretch of gravel road which we mastered without any major problem.

The Tanzanian border post was reached at about 14.30h and after standing in queues for some 45 minutes for clearance of carnets and passports as well as customs clearance we were ready to move towards Kenya when we discovered that Bulldogs front aluminium rim was full of grease. The combined technical experience of all team members immediately decided that this could only be caused by a faulty wheel bearing or at least its burst seal.

After clearing ourselves into Kenia at their border post we decided that Bulldog needs to travel at low speed in order to preserve what could be left of the bearing.

Team Icevan would stay with them whereas Lipstick would shoot ahead in order to find accommodation in Mombassa as we would not reach Watamu today and the chances to repair Bulldog would be greater in Mombassa.

We found accommodation at the Nyala Beach resort after waiting for some 50 minutes to board the ferry to Mombassa. This is the fastest way as a huge bay splits Mombasa from the South Coast.

Ferry from South Coast Kenya to Mombassa
Ferry from South Coast Kenya to Mombassa


Nyala Beach resort Mombassa
Nyala Beach resort Mombassa
Day 15 -Dar es Salaam to Mombassa – 500 km

One thought on “Day 15 -Dar es Salaam to Mombassa – 500 km

  • June 20, 2011 at 11:19 am

    WOW!! Hope team lipstick took a dip in that beatiful pool, i am very jealous here from freezing port elizabeth xx

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