The Team

Willy Gauss


Willy was elected chairman by the group and chaired 24 meetings prior to departure.

He comes from Freudenstadt Germany – the ultimate destination of the tour.

He loves outdoors ,gadgets and adventures and is open to any challenges (beware to bet him).

He is a businessman involved in property development and various manufacturing companies based in East London – South Africa.

Willy is married to Evi and has 2 adult daughters Sandra and Tanja plus a gorgeous grandson Alex





Andre de Kock

Andre de Kock

Andre is the elected Secretary of the group and kept the minutes and alerts going.

He was born in South Africa and looks forward to travel through the continent.

He is also our telecommunications specialist and Willy regards him as the “on board mechanic”

Andre is married to Anne-Louise with 3 adult children David ,Eloise and Nathan.






The Vehicle

Team Lipstick

Team Lipstick will be driving a RED (like a lipstick) Landcruiser VX – 2002 model Diesel -4.5l which has been modified inclusive of old man Emu shocks , drawers, fridge and freezer






Short Motivation and Team Objective

Team Lipstick will endeavour to have as much fun as possible , see as many places as possible whilst driving in a responsible manner . They look forward to meet many people and cultures on the trip. After arrival in Germany they will fly back via Dubai to visit Andre’s son and good friends from the FGH club in the emirates who might also pay us a visit whilst on tour – Salaaat!

Team Lipstick

3 thoughts on “Team Lipstick

  • May 26, 2011 at 3:49 pm

    Go Team Lipstick!!! Good luck in your endeavours “to have as much fun as possible” – I am sure that will not be hard knowing you two! Will be following you on the blog all the way, so please leave many updates and pictures for your fans! luv tan

  • June 1, 2011 at 7:07 pm

    Dear Willy, André and the whole ELAO-Team.
    We´re wishing you always enough off:
    – tire pressure
    – drinks in the red “Freezer car”
    – friendly people on your way……
    Many amazing moments and good luck for your decisions.
    We´re curios about your blog and pictures and looking forward to meet you in Freudenstadt for a little drink and a Wurschdsalaaaad.
    Viele Grüsse from your target country… Ingrid + Michael.

  • June 2, 2011 at 7:53 am

    Have a fantastic time, BOYS!! Stay safe and please keep updating the blog so that we can share in your adventure.
    Lots of love, el xxxx

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