Today we had all dirty clothing washed and dedusted our cars.

Even the best organised car becomes a bit chaotic after 2 weeks as one tends to be in a bit of a rush in the morning with the result that not everything is put back in its place where it should be.

Whilst Andre attendant to Lipstick’s makeover Willy assisted Elao to get all news onto the internet. This was a nerve wrecking task as there is at least one power-cut per 30 minutes resulting in all servers being shut down .

Even when the internet is available the speeds are somehow pre -ISDN and very frustrating.

All teams later went to Addis Ababa city centre to check whether the internet speed there would be faster. We found a Internet Café but to our horror were told that the whole of Addis Ababa is currently not able to connect to the Web.

We then made it to a local supermarket where we replenished our food stock and bar requirements.

A massive rainstorm hit town and the traffic situation became simply chaotic. On the streets of Addis even in good whether it is the survival of the strongest – not one of the many robots works and everyone organises any traffic rule to his own benefit.

No driver would allow you to cross a lane or give you right of way unless you simply push your car into the traffic flow hoping that any other cars in your way would rather stop than risk a collision.

Back at the hotel and after the rain stopped we were able to connect to the Internet and even skype home.

Dinner was had at the hotel restaurant and the bar was also well supported.

Desert Storm 1
Operation Desert Storm – 1


Desert Storm 2
Operation Desert Storm – 2


Lipstick taking off
Lipstick taking off


Full throttle ahead through northern Kenya’s deserts
Day 27 – Addis Ababa – Rest day – Team Lipstick

2 thoughts on “Day 27 – Addis Ababa – Rest day – Team Lipstick

  • July 8, 2011 at 1:58 pm

    Lipstick is looking good:)

  • July 8, 2011 at 1:59 pm

    PS – Paps, don’t you usually follow these traffic rules anyway -> “ simply push your car into the traffic flow hoping that any other cars in your way would rather stop than risk a collision.” ?

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