For most of today’s drive the boys decided to stick to route 66 instead of the newly built highway which often runs a few 100m away from route 66.

Team Lipstick passed many Bars and Saloons from times gone buy all offering cold beverages and some hotels even offering round beds..
The road took Team Lipstick passed Apple Valley where long times ago Apple farming was very
Common however the town was named after John F. Appleton.
In 1848, members of the Mormon Battalion, mustered out of the U.S. Army after constructing the first wagon road across the southwest to San Diego and up to Los Angeles, brought 135 mules and the first wagon through the Cajon Pass up through the Mojave River Valley on the way to the Salt Lake Valley. Battalion leader Jefferson Hunt and a crew of cowboys followed the trail with the first cattle drive from Southern California to hungry Mormons in Utah. Hunt led a Mormon group of settlers to the San Bernardino Valley in 1851.
One well known apple orchard was owned by Max Ihmsen, publisher of the Los Angeles Examiner newspaper. In 1915, he developed 320 acres (1.3 km2) of apples and pears. The fame of Apple Valley spread as Ihmsen fruit won many agricultural awards
The guys then had to go through the Cajon pass which is a mountain pass between the Mountains and the San Gabriel Mountains in Southern California .
Located in the Desert, the pass is an important link from the Greater San Bernardino Area to the Victor Valley, and northeast to Las Vegas.

The city of San Bernardino is one of the oldest communities in the state of California, and in its present-day location, was not largely settled until 1851, after California became a state.
The first Anglo-American colony was established by pioneers associated with the Mormons.
Following the Mormon colonists purchase of Rancho San Bernardino, and the establishment of the town of San Bernardino in 1851, San Bernardino County was formed in 1853 from parts of Los Angeles County.
Some Mormons would stay in San Bernardino and some later returned from Utah, but a real estate consortium from El Monte and Los Angeles bought most of the lands of the old rancho and of the departing colonists. They sold these lands to new settlers who came to dominate the culture and politics in the county and San Bernardino became a typical American frontier town. Many of the new land owners disliked the sober Mormons, indulging in drinking at saloons now allowed in the town. Disorder, fighting and violence in the vicinity became common, reaching a climax in the 1859.
After passing San Bernardino the boys were again on Highway 101 leading them into Los Angeles where they found a place to stay:

Hampton Inn in Vine Street – Hollywood – Vine Street is part of Hollywood’s famous
Walk to Fame