First task of the day was to get to Northpoint Toyota in Northern Melbourne and on arrival they were greeted by Justin who works in the service department.
With a big smile he was waving the part which the boys had ordered from him and which he in turn organized from Toyota’s central spare department in Melbourne.
Unfortunately, their repair team was fully booked so after a few phone calls Justin gave the boys an address to go to as they would be able to exchange the hosepipe for them.

So off they drove to arrive at JH Auto Parts in Werribee – a suburb in northern Melbourne where the friendly owner was already waiting for them and after a short discussion he even went as far as driving the boys to a nearby Café were they could get some coffee and eats whilst waiting for the repair to be completed.

After breakfast the boys decided to walk back the 800m stretch to JH Auto Parts and find out whether the repairs are on track … halfway down however Lipstick came roaring down the streets obviously with full throttle and with newfound turbo-power.
Andre jumped in to give it a good test and by the time Willy arrived at the repair place it was all thumbs up both from Andre and the repair man.

Understanding the workings of a turbo is easy as there are two components at work fuel and air. The car’s engine works on a mixture of fuel and air.
The ECU determines the ratio of fuel to air, however, if there is leakage of air along the way, the ratio is incorrectly calculated causing your car’s turbo to work harder than usual. Diesel engines are accommodating in this regard as they are more tolerant of a high fuel to air ratio. However, petrol engines are sensitive, therefore a boost leak inspection is necessary for your car’s optimal performance.A leaking compression hose will act like a governor and restrict the engine’s performance bot in acceleration and in top speed.
The boys were extremely happy to receive Lipstick back with full power available although it is difficult to check top speeds in Australia where speed restrictions around Melbourne are 100km/h maximum.
So off to say finally goodbye to their good friends Inga and Johnny and Lipstick is on the road again with all power available…

Team lipstick then set off on the Pacific Highway in a northerly direction towards Sydney and arrive at Eden just before Sunset…

In most smaller towns in Australia all restaurants close by latest’s 9pm – but in Eden they seem to close even earlier and the boys found only a small Turkish take away next to a petrol station where they could convince the owner to still make them a Turkish Pizza to avoid total starvation