Andre’s new friend – a major producer of Mocambiques best Peri Peri juices…
For tonight’s Dinner we opted for Crayfish snacks a la Beira…….
Beira Mozambique – at BIQUES restaurant and campsite right on the beach…. (The shadow on the left of the picture is Andre who starts loosing weight…..)
Andre and Rene searching for the road leading into Gorongosa park from the East – According to Map and Garmin there should be a road branching to the left …………….. but none can be found
The guys ready to fish and dive – see Mark on the right filling his lungs
Still no road ………… 2 very confused brothers…
The teams satisfying their thrist and hunger in Quilamane ….
We are making ourselves comfortable in a deserted hotel – note Willy’s wonderfull self constructed anti mosquito stretcher in the back ground…
Whereas team bulldock made themselves comfortable on what we assume must be the dance floor of this deserted piece of holiday accommodation..
Russel’s place in Pemba where we parked our cars for safekeeping whilst we
On the way out of Pemba on Situ 2 going to Situ island….
Sunset shortly before we arrive on the island…
Situ 2 taking us through the Quirimbas
Guys preparing for a dive
Situ 2 waiting to take us cruising
Mark Meyer with mind in neutral
Whilst others were busy to provide food for the evening…..
Others enjoying the Water
some heavier members trying to scare any shark off..