Border controls like the map at the back of lipstickThe main task at border controls is also to get ahead of many trucksLipstick’s “Fixer” guiding them through the borderBy Taxi to the Gabon embassyHONI SOIT QUI MAL Y PENSETogo taxi making way for LipstickAs darkness set in the road became more of a mud roadThere was continuous hooting by trucks, bikes and cars choosing the best laneA car trying to cross lanes in front of lipstickTeam Lipstick often thought that they are in the wrong movieAt around 9.30pm the traffic got moving againAnd all houses are on stilts with visitors needing a boat to have a neighbourly chatFish farms replace vegetable gardensA restaurant and adjacent art gallery was chosen to quench some thirstHelloo from Ganvie (Venice of Africa) – Willy’s T shirt readsMoving from A to B cannot be done without a boatAnd the trading on the market place is also from boat to boatThe tour guide working out his next move in the new game he has learned to love and did not want to give up playingBut after his next move he admitted that Germans are not only great soccer playershellish drive trying to avoid potholes oncoming trucks