Another great day driven through West AfricaAndre enjoying a banana freshly fetched from Lipsticks roof through the sun roofCongo workers securing the mountain from falling onto the roadsAfrican monsters carrying logs – Lipstick nearly drove into these logs the night before…A live goat being tied onto the boot of a car From Point de Noir towards Brazzaville2 new friends met in Point de NoirSurrenderThe main road to Brazzavilleand the road sign warningSunset on way to Brazzavillestranded in Mindouli 120km west of BrazzavilleCheers to MindouliWith beer bought from local shop ownerNow it’s over to make friends with army staff and police, joking and introducing them to the great game of Nkonki ChessNkonki Chess and on a mission of friendliness and humour…A evening of Nkonki ChessThe cap club membersLipsticks night in MindouliLipstick going from one office to the next in BrazzavilleLipstick on the barge ready to cross the Congo RiverOne fully loaded bargeOne empty barge and one fully loaded barge were pushed to Kinshasa by one boatDieu-Merci was found and engaged as team Lipstick translator during customs procedures in KinshasaKinshasa goods harbour