A really early start today as the boys had a long stretch ahead of them so they were on the road from Billabong to Port Hedland by 6am and experienced sunrise over the horizon on the eastern side of the road.

Again, it was a very repetitive landscape with only a few villages and limited fuel stations along the way

It is quiet nice here – but
Have you ever been in Baden Wuerttemberg?
(Baden Wuerttemberg is Willy’s home province in Germany 😉
Arriving in Carnarvon Andre and Willy decided to now rig up the spare Diesel tanks which they bought in Perth before picking up Lipstick and so they stopped for coffee and mounted the 2 tanks on Lipsticks roof ready to be filled at the next fuel station.

Having seen the sunrise early in the morning the boys were glad to arrive in Port Hedland by sunset…

The evening was spending with a few sundowners and the boys met a german couple – Rainer and Andrea- from Ludwigshafen in Germany – who were on their way from Broome to Perth being the opposite direction to Team Lipstick’s route.
Some nice information was exchanged about the roads ahead…