3rd August
Team Bulldog and Lipstick need to be at Frankfurt airport today for their flights back south.
The logistic tasks were to meet Ingrid and Michael on the highway before Frankfurt airport and also park Lipstick in a safe place.
A car was hired and the first stop was at the Braun factory complex where Lipstick would be parked until early September when Willy would return to Germany and arrange shipping her back to South Africa.
Mustafa the caretaker of the factory units arranged some nice parking place and assured team Lipstick that he would do a proper cleaning of their vehicle so that by the time Willy would return in a few weeks’ time old Lipstick would shine in all its glory…
Andre and Willy then took off in the hired car down the “Murg Valley” being closely followed by Team Bulldog. Shortly after Rastatt the teams hit the German Autobahn to Frankfurt and met up with Ingrid and Michael just before Frankfurt Airport.
Michael already arranged special German number plates for Bulldog which were properly attached – where after Michael and Ingrid drove off with Bulldog towards Bremen from where the car would be shipped back to South Africa.
The 4 Elao members Andre, Rene, Mark and Willy then made it with the hired car to Frankfurt airport.
Mark and Rene would fly with Egypt air via Cairo back to South Africa whereas Andre and Willy would fly via Dubai with a stop over there to visit Andre’s son David and their friend Alan.
Yes the long planned journey through the continent of Africa has now come to its end leaving many happy memories behind..
The team members are proud of their achievements and agree that they would do it again and not much more different to what was done over the past 9 weeks.
The planning by Kevin was perfect the friendship and camaraderie amongst the members left nothing to be desired, the impression of the east African continent will remain in the teams memory forever – Africa has so much to offer- the various religions, cultures and tribes have a common goal –happiness and health….
This trip might be the beginning of more to come and the story might continue somewhere in this world -be it in South America, Australia or on the way from Europe to China ……
The team members wish to thank all their followers for the many messages, good wishes and encouragements
ELAO ……..live your dreams……………..