With great excitement we left East London in the Great White at 8am for Bethlehem. This is Mark’s name for his vehicle.. The whole way we were trying to think if we had everything. We eventually decided that we would have to buy or go without. We refueled in Aliway North and also had breakfast at the Wimpy. We had a very good trip except for all the potholes and road works. We arrived in Bethlehem at 5pm. Couldn’t believe how cold it was. We went for a quick walk before the others arrived. We were all in great spirits. Had a few drinks in the room and then went to the Spur at the nearby Casino.
Day 1
We got up early and it was freezing. The temp was minus 2 degrees. We had to wash the ice off the windows. The roads did not improve and had lots of stop goes. This delayed us and we arrived at Badplaas later than we expected. We set up camp and Mike, Denys and Mark went to the hot baths. I went for a walk and saw my clients Nola and Claude Stevens. Stayed and chatted to them. The bikers arrived late and Doug has problems with his bike. Most of us had a great party.
Day 2
We were woken up very early as Rene was complaining that he was very cold. We were also cold but too lazy to get out the tent and find another blanket. Had to get going at about 5.30am. I think Mike had just gone to sleep. I am sure he is in total shock. He has never done any camping in his life. We all stopped in Malalane for breakfast and to stock up. Made a few phone calls before we went through the border. Bought some fruit along the road. We did not have any problems getting through the border post. I think my jersey must have fallen out the car when I opened the car door.
We arrived in Maputo and there was chaos. We got lost for a while after Willy took us down one of the back streets but he got us onto the correct road. I don’t think there are too many laws there. You see so many policemen standing around. There are so many people on the road trying to sell their wares.
We eventually arrived at our accommodation at The Honeypot which is just outside Xai Xai. We decided to take a chalet as they were very cheap. All the bikers arrived and Doug was still having problems with his bike.
Day 3 and 4
Had coffee and rusks before leaving with Paul and Denys, Piet and Mike .. We decided to travel together as we do not travel as fast as the others. We decided that every day we would leave early, stop for breakfast along the road and try arrive at our next stop before 4pm.
We changed our itinerary slightly and we went down to the beach, Morrungula. What a lovely place. We set up camp and the 6 of us decided to have a potjie for a change. Went for a walk and a swim. I have not had a swim in the sea for ages. Really enjoyed it.
Mark bought fish and we had some for starters. The 6 of us decided to stay another day and would catch up with the others. Got up at about 6.30 and went for a long walk to get the blood flowing after sitting in the car for the last few days.
Did our washing and sat aroung chatting under the trees. Had a few more swims as it was so refreshing. Made supper early and packed up so that we could leave very early the next day.
Day 5
Piet woke us up at 4.30 and we were all ready to leave by 5.25am. There are so many little villages along the way and one has to slow down to 60.
There are people along the road selling nuts, meat, fruit , veggies, honey,clothes, oil and coal. I am also amazed how many small children are walking on the road and it really scares me that they will run across the road.
We arrived at Gorongosa National Park at about 2.30 but did not stay there as they would not allow the bikes in the park. We stayed at Piet and Ria van Zyls camp site. They are from South Africa and were so kind to us. We stayed in the tents so that we did not have to pack up in the morning.
Day 6
We went about our daily routine and started on our way to Quelimane. The closer you get to the towns the more people along the way. Everyday I am amazed at the number of people on the road. We stopped at a restaurant in Quelimane for lunch. Mark took one look at the place and decided he would not eat anything as it was too dirty. He was sure that everyone would end up with tummy problems.
Made our way to Zalala. It was out of season so not much was going on. We could put up our tents anywhere. If you wanted a shower/toilet we were given a jug of water.
Went for a walk on the beach and the seawater was very dirty. The sand was brown on the beach and there were so many white necked crows.
Met Joan and Gary from Aussie who were camping there. Piet, Mark and I went out for supper and Joan and Gary joined us. They have been on the go for 3 months. The food was very good.
The bikers came over to our camp as this is our last night together until we get to Dar es Salaam.
Day 7
We were woken up at about 3.30am as the crows were making such a noise. I don’t think I would go back to Zalala
Went on some terrible roads today. Some of the potholes are so big you can disappear in them. Not too much happened today.
Arrived at Nampula and stayed just outside on a farm. We all had a wonderful shower and were ready to go again.
Day 8
Heard some hyenas during the nights. Mark Baxter was the first to be ready for a change as we are on our way to Situ Island. He is so excited. The road to Pemba is much the same as the last few days. Arrived in Pemba at 12.15pm. Met the others at Russell’s camp. Had lunch and then had to wait until John from Situ was ready. I was a little worried as I am not a good sailor. It took us 1 ½ hours to arrive at Situ and I was still feeling well. What a wonderful place.
Hi Mom and Dad
Glad to hear that you are having such a wonderful time. Thanks for all the news. Hope you have had some time to relax on Situ island and have a safe trip to Dar es Salaam. Looks like you are covering a lot of ground!
Look forward to a chat.
Love you lots,
Lovely journey so far hey?! Thanks for the blog, have enjoyed reading it!! Some of your comments make me laugh – “Some of the potholes are so big you can disappear in them. Not too much happened today.”
Looking forward to reading more stories soon. Hope you having fun in the great white 🙂
Love and hugs xx
hi mom & dad
it is awesome to read your news written by you, good one mom!
I had a very busy week at work last week as we had pentecost services on mon, tues & finishing with our cd launch on wed evening so it meant very long work days, finishing at 10pm. We then had our normal service on sunday and then a global day of prayer held at our building in the afternoon, all churches in jbay involved which was great, a very long day but good. This week we have a public holiday on thurs and I am going to take friday off so it will be a nice long wknd.
Bongo came to church yest, what a surprise. He is moving back to St Francis with his wife in Dec. We chatted and caught up over coffee. It was amazing just to hear whats been going on in his life and that he is happy. I can see how he has changed and processed things, it was great.
My app’s with the Chiro are going well. I saw him on friday and again this wed. My back is very sensitive after and I seem to sleep so much after a session but trusting that this is going to sort me out. I received my letter from Triathlon Sa last wknd with official invite for the SA Team so I am in the process of putting together a proposal for a few corporate companys for a R20k sponsorship. I am approaching Subaru, Shield, Volkswagen, Asics & Woodlands Dairy.
My training has been slow with my back but hoping to get going next month! I am going to start with my coach as of July which will be really awesome. My wheel has arrived from overseas so my bike is back in action and also got some tri bars now so got myself all sorted on the bike now.
house wise….probably going to move in with Shannon & Margreet on the 1 Aug. I am worried about the security there but hopefully get that sorted out by then. not sure what to do with Levi but also will decide on that closer to the time. I may have to give him to my neighbours who adore him and will take good care of him.
well thats about all my news. very glad you had some rest time on Situ. enjoy your time in Tanzania!
Love Linds